Saturday, May 16, 2020

Mini Phrase Book 1

Интересни домашни задачи
   Миа Петрушевска 8в

Mini phrase book
Here are some useful sentences for your visit to a Macedonia-speaking country.

-When you are introduced to                 -At my school, in the mornings
someone for the first time,                     we usually just say Good morning
if they say:                                              to our teachers when we arrive,
Nice to meet you!                                  or if it’s an evening class,     
you should say:                                       Good evening! And when we leave
Nice to meet you too!                              we just say Goodbye!
When you say Goodbye,
you can simply say:                             -When you sit down at the table for a
See you later or just Bye!                      meal, we usually don’t say anything.
                                                               But you can just say Enjoy your meal!

-If you want to know where a                       -At a shop or a café, you must
place is, ask:                                                  remember to ask politely,
Excuse me.Can you tell me                           for example:
where the ,,certain place,,  is?                       Can I have a …? or Could I have a …?
                                       And don’t forget to say please!

  -When you want to apologise, you can simply say I’m sorry!
   Over here,  in Macedonia you can also just say Pardon?  


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