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1. Давид Тасевски 8в
Useful information
Shipments and letters Telephones
If you want to send shipments If you want to use a public
you go inside and they will send it. Telephone you need to
If you want to send your
have a debit card, so you can pay
postcards or letters you need first the call. There aren’t many of them
buy a stamp, and there is usually usually they are blue, there are
a yellow letter box in front of the all over the country. Emergency calls
Post offices everywhere in Macedonia 192 is for police,193 for fire service
where you put the letter. and 194 for ambulance.
Shopping Changing money
Shops usually open around 8:00 You can change your money 5:00 or 6:00pm.
Supermarket usually at the exchange office, bank or
work to 21:00. Also, some shops are open travel agencies. You can find this
on Saturday and Sunday. There are everywhere in the country.
Two big Malls, and both are in Skopje.
And they are open to 22:00.
Somewhere to stay Getting information
If you come to Macedonia for a visit If you need information about
but you aren’t with a family, you events and places you can ask
can stay at cheaper hotels around the locals, or signs that are
Macedonia. Also there are more everywhere. Also, in some stores stores
expensive hotels like Continental or you can find maps, guidebooks
Aleksandar Palas. You can choose and postcards.
a hotel, after you have chosen you can
make a reservation online too.
Made by:
David Tasevski
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