Saturday, May 30, 2020

Интересни домашни

Coach Carter
Sports/Drama 2005
In 1999, Ken Carter returned to his old high school in Richmond,  to get the schools basketball team into championship form. In the beginning of their first workout he had the players signing a contract that stated that the players must maintain a GPA average of 2.3 as well as sitting in the front row on all of their classes. With his very tough rules and discipline, he succeeds in setting the players on their best season by far. But, some of the players began to suffer, and with that they violated the contract. So Carter locked them the gym and shut down their championship season. When he is criticized by the players and their parents, he didn’t back down, determined that they excel in class as well as on the court.
I enjoyed watching this film. The cast and the crew really good job. I loved every second of it.
I highly recommend watching  this film.
Thank you for reading
Изработил: Никола Котевски                                                  

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